Youth Services Coordinator at the North Providence Union Free Library (non-union position)
A full-time (35 hours) opening is available. As a Department Head, you will be responsible for department management, collection development for ages birth through teen, programming, community outreach, and professional development.
(See section below for detailed description of each responsibility.)
We are looking for someone who is outgoing, friendly and welcoming. Must have the ability to deal tactfully and courteously with the public and Library staff members, including collaborating with coworkers in other departments.
Should be willing to go out into the community at Town events and in schools to promote library services.
The candidate should be comfortable with using social media and be technologically current and curious.
Library experience with children, teens, and families is a must.
All applicants should have an accredited MLS or MLIS degree, or be graduating by May 2025. The schedule includes one evening and alternate Saturdays.
Send cover letter, resume and 3 professional references to:
Director Stefanie Dalton
North Providence Union Free Library
1810 Mineral Spring Avenue
North Providence, RI 02904
or email: sdalton@nprovlib.org
Applications will be accepted until position is filled, but preference will be given to those received by Friday, February 21, 2025.
The town of North Providence does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.
- All paid holidays.
- Health care insurance is available for full-time employees.
- All full time employees shall accrue one and one-quarter days per month to be credited to their sick leave account.
- Three personal days.
- Full-time employees shall be entitled to paid vacation time according to the following schedule:
a. 10 or more years of service 4 weeks
b. 5-10 years of service 3 weeks
c. 2-5 years of service 2 weeks
d. 6 months of service 1 week
- Membership in the Municipal Employee’s Pension Plan is mandatory to full-time staff members.
- All full-time employees shall be granted longevity increases in accordance with the following formula:
5 3 % of Gross Wage or $550.00
10 6 % of Gross Wage
15 8 % of Gross Wage
- Please contact the Library Director or Deputy Director for specific compensation details.
Youth Services Coordinator– Detailed Job Description
Overview: Responsible for the Children’s Department (ages 0-12) and Young Adult Department (ages 12-17) including staffing, scheduling, collection development and maintenance, scheduling and performing programming for youth and families, maintaining the children’s library website and events calendar, and creating fliers and social media posts to advertise programs. Coordinates and conducts outreach to local preschools and visits to the public schools. Coordinates and mentors teen volunteers and graduate students. Coordinates the Summer Reading Program and hires performers for summer reading and various times throughout the year.
Management: Manage 5-6 full or part time staff. Liaise with Administration for staffing. Create a staff schedule 3x per year and maintain desk coverage for vacations and sick time. Order supplies and toys/furniture for the Children's department. Crafts and rewrites policies for department when needed. Coordinate teen volunteers, especially during the summer. Recruit and interview new potential staff. Mentor high school students, particularly from the MET school or students from the high school next door working on their senior projects. Host PFE students from URI working towards their MLS degrees.
Collection Development: Responsible for collection development for ages 0-12 with some ordering for the Young Adult (YA) collection. Catalog Children’s materials including processing of materials. Responsible for collection maintenance (weeding) for the Children’s and Young Adult departments.
Programming: Responsible for programming for children ages 0 -18 and their families, creating a seasonal flier (usually 4x per year) of upcoming events for children, teens and families. Recruit children’s staff to run programs. Develop and implement the summer reading program, coordinating with Circulation staff who run the adult portion of the summer reading program. Add programs to the event calendar on the website and book rooms for programs. Manage registration for programs. Create all social media for youth and family programming, including website highlights. Hire outside performers, coordinating with Administration, especially during the summer reading program, but also during vacation weeks and other times throughout the year.
Outreach: Visit area preschools, coordinating with preschools and staff to create an outreach calendar. Visit North Providence public schools during fall open houses and in the spring for the summer reading program. With staff, develop and implement annual Rooster Games and Lighthouse Games trivia contests in elementary and middle schools. Coordinate with school librarians to keep up-to-date with school events. Conduct field trips for local school groups. Help support the library by helping to staff the library table at town events (ex. Memorial Day Parade, Centredale Village Festival, Fall PTO Festival, etc.). Coordinate with the Town’s Head of Recreation for outdoor programming at the Town’s Park (Governor Notte).
Professional Development: Attend meetings through the state library association (OLIS) and conferences like RILA and NELA. Apply to present at conferences as seen fit. Assist library Director with finding and applying for grants.
Deputy Director Liz D'Amore ldamore@nprovlib.org
For more information, please contact Deputy Director Liz D'Amore at ldamore@nprovlib.org or 401-353-5600 ext 1852