
Ruby M. Sisson Memorial Library

public library in county

Application Deadline

Apply By Mar 6th, 2024


$63,000.00 to $75,000.00 per Year   Calculate


Pagosa Springs, CO





Minimum Education

Bachelor's Degree

Library Experience


Supervisory Experience


Type of Library


This job is more than 3 weeks old or the application deadline has passed.
Job Description

The Upper San Juan Library District (dba Ruby M. Sisson Memorial Library) Board of Trustees seeks an effective communicator who will serve as a tireless advocate in promoting discovery, inspiring creativity, and engaging the community as its next Library Director. Working from a single location with 6.675 FTE, consisting of 5 full-time and 4 part-time staff, the new director reports to a seven-member Board of Trustees. Library highlights include a supportive community, exceptional youth and adult program offerings, and a friendly staff. The new director will focus their attention on working with the Foundation for current expansion plans, building a complete understanding of the organizational culture and service district needs, and ensuring that the library is a welcoming and supportive environment for locals and visitors. 

Looking for that next career challenge AND looking to sharpen your sledding and/or downhill skiing skills? The town of Pagosa Springs, Colorado is a growing community that provides a high quality of life, small-town charm, and proximity to a wide array of outdoor activities including skiing, hiking, fishing, hunting and more.

Responsibilities: The director develops a strategic plan in conjunction with the board, civic and community involvement; makes periodic reports to the board and prepares  annual reports; represents and advocates for the library at various community functions; performs various human resource management functions to provide and promote a collaborative and motivated work environment including oversight of recruitment, selection, and retention of employees, training, counseling, performance evaluation, staffing, and personnel policy formulation and enforcement; prepares an annual budget for approval by the Board of Trustees; oversees and manages the day-to-day operations of the facility; works with the Library Foundation for the expansion project slated to break ground in 2025; serves as the budget officer; serves as member ex officio to the library’s Foundation board of directors; maintains official documentation for the organization; participates in local, state, and national professional organizations to strengthen skills, interact with fellow professionals, and contribute to the library profession; and provides effective leadership to direct reports and the organization by linking their actions back to the vision and mission of the library. A complete list of duties and responsibilities is listed in the job description below. 

Qualifications: A Master of Library Science or other related field with a minimum of three years of public library experience, along with administrative, supervisory, and facility management experience. The ideal candidate will have experience working with a library foundation group, understand the constantly changing environment of public libraries, be an advocate for intellectual freedom, and use empathy as a guide when making decisions. The final candidate will submit to a background check.

Compensation: The hiring salary range is $63,000 – $75,000 per year. Additional benefits include a $6K health insurance stipend per year, 11 holidays, PTO starting at 16 hours per month, and 401a match of 4% after one year.

For further information, see the full job description. Apply by sending a meaningful cover letter and your resume as Word or PDF attachment to This position closes on Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 3 pm. 

Benefits & Additional Compensation Info

The hiring salary range is $63,000 – $75,000 per year. Additional benefits include a $6K health insurance stipend per year, 11 holidays, PTO starting at 16 hours per month, and 401a match of 4% after one year.

Additional Info & Requirements

Job Title: Library Director
Position reports to: Upper San Juan Library District Board of Trustees

In keeping with the mission of the Upper San Juan Library District (USJLD), dba Ruby M. Sisson Memorial Library, the Library Director is responsible for developing and supporting all efforts necessary to maintain a free library, producing “Mountains of opportunity to inspire ideas, enrich lives and create community.” Working closely with the Board of Trustees, the Library Director develops library policies, monitors library services, develops and manages the budget, creates public relations materials, supervises staff and volunteers, oversees the physical location, and stays informed of developments in library management. In addition, the Library Director serves as a member ex officio both of the Board of Trustees and Board of Directors for the Library Foundation to ensure a consistent flow of communication.

Planning and Policymaking
A clear statement of library policies insures that decisions about all aspects of the USJLD are consistent and fair. Working with the Board, the Library Director:

·         Develops long range plans to support and promote the mission of the library.

·         Develops short term plans to address specific issues facing the library as they arise.

·         Formulates and recommends policies to the Board and implements the procedures to carry out these goals.

·         Develops clear descriptions of staff positions including a non-discrimination statement, qualifications for employment, evaluation procedures, and causes for dismissal.

Library Services
The regular assessment and development of library services is important to fulfilling the USJLD mission. To support these efforts the Library Director:

·         Plans, organizes, and regularly evaluates a program of service that supports the mission of the USJLD and reflects the needs of the Pagosa Springs community.

·         Selects and maintains library materials including books, media, computer programs and other materials and insures that these materials meet the needs of the community.

·         Supervises the purchase, utilization, and maintenance of technology to deliver, monitor and enhance library services.

·         Compiles and records library statistics and assembles them for monthly meetings of the Board of Trustees, the USJLD annual report and other reports as needed.

Financial Operations
The coordination of all aspects of fundraising and expenses is vital to insuring the financial stability of the USJLD. In order to ensure efficient and responsible management of the library budget, the Library Director:

·         Prepares the annual budget for Board review and approval in a timely manner.

·         Administers and monitors expenditure of library funds to stay within approved budget.

·         Works with Treasurer to review monthly reports and keep abreast of various funds and accounts.

·         Identifies, pursues and supports fundraising efforts as necessary.

·         Works with director of Library Foundation to assist with grant proposals that Foundation writes.

Public Relations
As funders of the library through property tax, it is imperative that the community feel positively toward USJLD. The Library Director:

·         Manages internal and external communication of the USJLD including but not limited to brochures, newsletters, fliers, and newspaper articles.

·         Identifies and pursues public relations opportunities that engender good will toward and promotion of the USJLD.

·         Develops and maintains cooperative relationships with local government and community organizations.

Personnel Management
As the immediate supervisor of all library personnel, the Library Director:

·         Recruits, trains, evaluates and, when necessary, terminates all staff.

·         Assigns duties, defines staff responsibilities, and administers wages.

·         Promotes staff development by providing opportunities for staff to attend workshops and conferences.

Physical Location Management
The Library Director oversees all aspects of the physical location, grounds and equipment. The Library Director:

·         Works proactively in leading the expansion under the guidance of the Board of Trustees and support from the Library Foundation.

·         Schedules and supervises contract services, maintenance personnel and takes appropriate action in emergencies.

·         Purchases equipment and furnishings as needed.

·         Provides leadership and direction for major development projects including construction and renovation of facilities.

Board of Trustees Representative
The Library Director informs the Board of Trustees of all relevant library business. As an ex officio member of the board, the Library Director:

·         Participates in monthly meetings of the Board of Trustees and provides a director’s report of library operations and developments at each meeting.

·         Provides professional expertise and guidance to the board including but not limited to presenting information on pertinent legislation from local, state, and federal agencies, discussing trends in library technology, funding, and management wherever possible.

·         Serves as ex officio member on Board committees.

Professional Development
To stay aware of new trends in library management and technology, legal issues facing libraries, and new ideas for programming the Library Director:

·         Attends meetings, workshops and conferences.

·         Maintains membership and participates in professional library associations.

The Library Director’s job also includes any other duties that are requested by the Board of Directors or that are essential to ensuring that the USJLD provides the best possible library service to the community. The Library Director will be evaluated by the Board annually.

Posted Feb 21, 2024